In some cases of people, hip joints can be injured and some damage is seen due to this. Later, as a result of these damages, people experience pain, difficulty in walking or disruption of daily work. If painkillers or physical therapy are insufficient, hip replacement surgeries are performed.

What is Hip Replacement Surgery?

One of the most important joints of the body is the hip. In cases where the hip is worn, the patient has a lot of pain and is considered suitable for surgery, the surgical procedure is called hip replacement surgery. The application of hip replacement surgery may vary according to the age, weight and pain level of the patient. With new implant designs and durability on ceramic surfaces, its duration is 30 years.

Hip replacement surgery is an important disease and carries some risks. These risks vary depending on the person’s current diseases. Hip replacement surgery gives successful results when performed by an expert in the field.

An artificial joint designed to mimic the movement of a healthy joint is called a prosthesis. Hip replacement surgery is performed when the hip is worn or damaged for certain reasons.

To Whom Is Hip Replacement Surgery Applied?

People who have hip replacement surgery are usually between the ages of 50 and 80. This surgery is usually performed for the treatment of arthritis. Arthritis is a disease that breaks down cartilage. When there is no cartilage, the bones rub against each other and cause pain. There are 3 types of arthritis where hip replacement is seen as a solution. This arthritis are:

Rheumatoid Arthritis: It is a disease that causes joint inflammation.

  • Traumatic Arthritis: It is joint damage that occurs as a result of injury.
  • Osteoarthritis: It is the most common degeneration in older adults.

Physicians use a cane or walker, low exercises and drugs such as ibuprofen to keep arthritis problems under control. If these measures are insufficient, hip replacement surgery is seen as a solution to the patients. If a person cannot sleep or sit comfortably due to pain, hip replacement surgery may be considered.

How is Hip Replacement Surgery Performed?

Doctors expect the bodies of people who will undergo hip replacement surgery to become suitable for the operation. However, it is desirable to lose some weight and to stop using some drugs. In this process, the movements of the patients are also limited. For this reason, regulations such as minimizing the use of stairs by people before the operation are also made.

Nothing should be eaten after midnight on the day of the surgery. On the day of surgery, patients are prepared for surgery after some checks are made. When it is time to start the operation, patients who are taken to the operating room are usually given general anesthesia.

Apart from these, doctors who will perform the surgery should definitely be informed if there is any discomfort in organs such as the heart or lungs that may pose a risk in anesthesia. Accordingly, the type of anesthesia is decided to be local or regional. The operation takes place in an average of 1 or 3 hours.

After Hip Replacement Surgery

After the anesthesia effect wears off after the surgery, the patients are transported to the recovery area. At this stage, blood pressure, heart rate, pain level, need for medication and recovery from anesthesia are monitored. Some people can return home the same day. Some people stay in the hospital for 2 nights.

Postoperative patients have an increased risk of blood clots in the leg area. To prevent this situation, it is necessary to walk with crutches after surgery. This can happen right after surgery or the next day. Elastic compression stockings or inflated air sheaths can also be worn on the lower legs both during and after the operation.

In addition to these, it is very important to do the exercises regularly at home and in the hospital in order to accelerate the recovery in the presence of a physiotherapist after the surgery. In order to strengthen the joints and muscles, activity and exercise should be the most important part of the day in patients.

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    The payment options for hip replacement surgery in Turkey typically include credit card, bank transfer, and cash. Many hospitals and clinics accept major credit cards for payment. Bank transfers are also a common method, allowing patients to transfer funds directly to the healthcare provider. Cash payments are usually accepted as well.

    No, Hip Replacement Surgery does not come under insurance. While some aspects of the surgery might be covered, such as hospitalization or anesthesia, the actual cost of the procedure, implants, and surgeon’s fees are typically not covered by insurance. It’s essential to consult with your insurance provider to understand the specific coverage details.

    Hip replacement surgery is generally more affordable in Turkey due to a combination of factors. These include lower labor and operating costs, competitive pricing strategies, government incentives for medical tourism, and favorable exchange rates. These factors contribute to reduced overall expenses, making hip replacement surgery more cost-effective in Turkey compared to other countries.

    No, obtaining finance specifically for hip replacement surgery is not a viable option. Medical procedures are generally not financed directly by financial institutions. However, you may explore other alternatives such as health insurance coverage or medical loans to help manage the expenses associated with the surgery.

    In Turkey, there is no strict age limit for hip replacement surgery. The decision to undergo the procedure depends on the patient’s overall health, severity of hip pain or dysfunction, and the surgeon’s assessment. Individuals of various ages can undergo hip replacement surgery if they meet the necessary criteria.

    The success rate of hip replacement surgery is generally high, with most patients experiencing significant pain relief and improved mobility. However, as with any surgery, there are potential risks and complications such as infection, blood clots, implant failure, or nerve damage. The likelihood of complications varies, but overall, the chances of a successful outcome are favorable.

    While hip replacement surgery is generally safe and effective, there are potential complications and risks associated with the procedure. These can include infection, blood clots, dislocation of the new joint, nerve damage, and implant failure. However, most patients experience significant improvement in mobility and pain relief after the surgery.

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