Terms and Conditions: Non-Refundable Deposit Policy

Non-Refundable Deposit

The deposit payment made for scheduling the procedure is non-refundable, except for documented medical reasons or the documented death of a first-degree relative. The purpose of the deposit is to secure the offered price, reserve the operating room, and ensure the availability of staff.

Operational Costs

The hospital incurs various costs in preparing for a patient’s procedure, including staff scheduling, reserving operating rooms, and preparing medical equipment. These costs occur regardless of whether the procedure ultimately takes place.

Resource Allocation

When a patient schedules a procedure, the hospital allocates resources and staff for a specific time slot. If the patient cancels, reallocating these resources to another patient on short notice can be challenging.

Deposit Refund

In the case of documented medical reasons or the documented death of a first-degree relative, the deposit will be refunded, minus the deposit transfer fee.
By accepting our services, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions regarding our non-refundable deposit policy, except for documented medical reasons or the documented death of a first-degree relative.